Nest, a free Linux server from Hack Club

Host Discord bots, apps, websites, try out basic computer networking, chat with others and more!


How to join Nest?

Want to become a bird? Follow these steps to get started!

nest@hackclub:~$cat signup.txt
1.Join Hack Club
Join Hack Club

Join the Hack Club Slack workspace


Use the Nest Bot to register for an account

3.Start Nesting
Start Nesting

SSH into your Nest account and start building!

What makes up Nest?

Nest is a Hetzner EX44 dedicated server, located in Helsinki, Finland. Users share a virtual machine on the server.

Click on a tab to learn more about Nest!

Join 200 other teens using Nest

See what fellow "birds" are hosting on Nest!

Project "Battler Generator"

Battler Generator

The Battler Generator is an image generation "API" that allows for generation of battlers, maps and all sorts of things for Battle Master (discord bot). It uses TypeScript and is hosted using systemd!



Project "Back on Track"

Back on Track

The backend for the Back on Track America mobile app runs on Nest! It's a Pocketbase app extended with Go.



Project "Charming Slack"

Charming Slack

Charming Slack is a Slack client that operates over SSH. It’s written in Go and uses charmbracelet’s awesome wish framework with bubbletea for the interactivity. As for a DB, it uses an extremely lazy method of a mega JSON DB saved and loaded on startup and shutdown.

